版本需求:Android 2.1 以上版本
Idea behind Topprice.in
Before buying a product we always compare the prices from different shops in order to find a cheap and best price. Nowadays, online shopping is booming in India and it is very difficult to check the prices at each and every e-commerce website by accessing the individual websites. If we just rely on one or two e-commerce website then we might miss the best price offered at some other website. The solution for this one-stop price comparison engine.
How to use Topprice.in?
Find Products
Compare Products & Prices
Buy Online
1) Search for the product you are looking for.
2) Press "Compare this product" button in order to compare the specifications of the product. Ex: Compare iPhone 6 with iPhone 6S.
3) Once the right product is decided then check out the prices offered by different online shops and decide where to buy based on the best price and reviews.